Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I wonder what will happen in respect to the federal deficit.  
The Democrats will be expected to maintain spending on social benefits and perhaps push for infrastructure improvements, but I can't see Republicans letting them have it.  Indeed, I suspect Trump will make a show of shutting down the government and probably starting a patriotic war of some sort, probably with Iran, to solidify military spending.  Democrats are always suckers for a macho war.
Regardless, the deficit will continue to grow and Trump's trade war with most everyone is bound to have an effect on the Dollar as the premiere reserve currency eventually.  Without the almighty Dollar's special status, what happens to the American standard of living?  American exceptionalism is past due for a history lesson.
by Andhakari on Thu Nov 8th, 2018 at 07:53:20 AM EST

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