Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I couldn't bear to watch the US channels during the night. It became clear from the outset in de race for senate from Indiana that there would be no Blue Wave of Blue Tsunami. Did go downstairs a few times to read the mood of analysts and watch the results coming in.

Women made the difference for Democrats as they outperformed in the suburbs where issues of education and healthcare moved the voters. The balance of governorships were so lob sided in favor of Republicans that in recent years the redistricting has secured a permanent advantage for Republicans in state legislature. Also the damning suppression of voters and the ability to cast a ballot makes the US a third world nation.

Diversity won yesterday in the Midterm Election with many women getting elected and minority representation. The Blue strongholds got stronger and the white male red states kept their support for nationalism, supremacists, hatred for minorities and Trump. In Texas, Arizona and Florida the Republicans were hurting due to the messages of Trump on the migration issues and battering of minorities. Trump sees it differently of course. What a great pain in the ass is the leader of that powerful nation that is losing its international standing each year in the New American Century. George Bush - Barack Obama - Donald Trump ... American losing its way in the world.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Nov 7th, 2018 at 09:50:30 AM EST

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