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Culture can be a massive counterweight to this kind of mechanism, evidently. As Robert Anton Wilson said:
It is sometimes mistakenly stated that there are no universal sexual taboos. This is not true. There is one omni-purpose taboo which exists in every tribe. That taboo stipulates that sexuality shall not be unregulated by the tribe.
Perhaps some suppression of sexuality is not that preposterous, after all. Here is a PUA-ish quote:

In the past, many people lived in a brutal patriarchal society where women were forced to be the sexual commodities of rich, powerful, or famous men.

In the present, many people live in a progressive feminist society where women volunteer to be the sexual commodities of rich, powerful, or famous men.

What will be real consequences of the massive feminine empowerment? Rational PUAs basically predict that Pareto picture (if you would really test). Unknowledgeable liberal males would be at real disadvantage then.

Besides, times are getting tougher, as the nanny post-WWII years are gone. That could plausibly be not so much the effect of unfortunate political turns, but a bio-social anticipation that the human tribe is hitting global limitations. Either way, consider this:

(1) Women now handle more resources than ever (perhaps). But resourceful women are not particularly attractive to the men they wish to be attracted to, according to the estrus model.

(2) Liberal males are generally not particularly resourceful, and things are getting worse. Silently they might be sidelined on a massive scale.

Compared to these rational considerations, your assumptions could be mostly wishful thinking.

by das monde on Mon Mar 12th, 2018 at 05:34:29 PM EST
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