Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Introduction by Meteor Blades, a diary posted @BooMan on Aug 17th, 2005:  
Operation AJAX Turns 52. Fallout in Iran Still Sizzling

In addition, the role of CIA, Sciri and Mossad leading to the Iraq War of 2003 ...
Accused Mossad agent Manucher Ghorbanifar and role in pretext for Iraq War by Gondi @BooMan / @EuroTrib on Nov. 2, 2005  

My earlier diary on overthrow of Mossadeq and CENTO in containment policy of the West versus Soviet Union communism ...

Shah and Secret Ties With Jewish State (Mossad)
CIA Confirms Role in 1953 Iran Coup

The new forged alliance of the United States with Israel - Saudi Arabia - Gulf States after the failures of the Iraq War, is the last chance to start a war with Iran. All signs indicate a path of fear and warmongering ... Russiaphobia plays an important part to maintain US hegemony in the Middle East.

Israel Pimps for New Middle East War | Tikun Olam |

Then the plot thickens considerably when the Syrian air-defense, operating Russian-built missile systems, sprang into action and launched a barrage at the attacking F-16s.  For the first time in several years, during which Israel routinely attacked Syrian targets with impunity, the Syrians hit their target and downed a war plane, which crashed inside Israel, severely wounding one pilot and lightly wounding the other.

This is outrageous from an Israeli perspective: an Arab state actually fighting back and drawing blood on Israeli pilots and a plane worth tens of millions?  Something not to be countenanced.

From my diary posted @BooMan today - here.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Feb 11th, 2018 at 11:18:11 AM EST


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