Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

[  ] means (delivery method) individual [?], mechanical [?]; ("novichok" stock) UK gov [x], RU gov [?], USA gov [?], Other gov [?], off-shelf compound [?]

[ x ] motive: political domination UK gov [x] , RU gov* [x], EU27 govs [?], personal [?]

[  ] opportunity: known Skirpal associate [?], public coincidence [?], time [?] and place [?]

[ x ] evidence: [ ? ] circumstantial, [ x ] physical-- trace novichok on vics' clothing [?], in vics' blood gas [?], at public accommodation [?]; "200 witnesses" testimony (vic, expert, material, documentary, hearsay, not specified) [?]

[ ] law

There's nothing but speculation about RU motive in this thread (* the least persuasive being RU oligarchs' intent to maintain monopoly market power of contraband, considering the range in val + vol of NG + oil excluded from EU sanctions) and syndicated Anglo-merican press. More peculiar, UK investigators unwilling or unable to produce any other suspects but Russia gov, synedoche. Not even a ham sandwich.

Where "motive" may be a leading question, have a look at the Anglo-merican blindspot from the other side of the world. < wipes tears > "FUKUS" Alliance.

Where are Christopher Steele and his "source(s)" again?

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Mar 27th, 2018 at 07:07:41 PM EST
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