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Moira Jayne Walsh, a 27-year-old former waitress and labor organizer, captured a bit of national attention after she won a seat in the Rhode Island House in 2016. "I decided that I wasn't just going to work on legislation, because there has been so much neglect in my neighborhood for so many years that I wanted to make sure that people felt that they had a sense of community," she told The Atlantic that November.

Walsh has since been a progressive voice in the legislature and supports increasing the minimum wage and marijuana legalization. She also caused a stir in March when she said in a radio interview that there was an "insane amount of drinking" among legislators at the statehouse. All this might go some way towards explaining why the state Democratic Party has endorsed her opponent in the upcoming primaries--a man who appears to have once been a vocal supporter of Donald Trump and alt-right figures.

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Thu Jul 5th, 2018 at 07:38:29 AM EST
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Rhode Island Democrats rescind endorsements following backlash
Facing a progressive insurgency in a state largely run by Democrats who oppose abortion rights and enjoy favorable ratings from the National Rifle Association, the party released a slate of endorsements earlier this week which critics said was aimed at punishing three female state legislators who ousted old-guard members two years ago, along with a fourth women running for an open state Senate seat this year.

In a letter to Rhode Island's secretary of state dated Wednesday, McNamara withdrew the Democratic Party's endorsement of Michael Earnheart, a former Republican who voted for President Donald Trump running against progressive state Rep. Moira Jayne Walsh. The party also withdrew its endorsement of a former state senator with multiple drunken driving arrests, who is vying for the open state Senate seat. Now, the party will not endorse a candidate in either race.

by Bernard (bernard) on Thu Jul 5th, 2018 at 08:22:49 PM EST
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