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according to French EU minister
One unresolved question has always been, if the UK changed its mind and voted to stay in, would the EU agree? According to the French Europe minister, the answer is yes.

Asked if staying in was still an option for the UK, Nathalie Loiseau told the programme:

We have always said, always, that the door would remain open and that we were not the ones who wanted to diverge from the United Kingdom. It was the British people who decided to leave the European Union.

And when asked if that meant the UK would be able to stay in, "on the same terms", she replied:

Sure, of course. [Like] every single member state of the European Union, we have one conviction, which is that the best possible status is being a member, the most profitable status.

Also : no daylight between Barnier and the Council of Ministers.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
by eurogreen on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 09:14:30 AM EST
to rejoin.

Barnier is the muscle and voice of EU gov in this matter, I have said time and again. Until he offers to kill settlement negotiations, tear up the WTO "split", and Tory gov accepts and affirms terms and conditions of EU membership, the show is over. Look where you (pl) are at, not where you might want to be.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 05:17:02 PM EST
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