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Kabuki theatre

I can't help it, but these last weeks of Downing Street 10 appears to me part of a Kabuki theatre of the Tories with May, Johnson and Davies in the lead roles.

There is no way Michel Barnier and the EU nations will accept the Chequers White Paper as a new start for negotiations. Intent to let the "negotiations" fail and place blame on EU intransigence.

Once the talks have failed, the real Brexiteers will become part of government again, perhaps under a new Tory leader.

That's my take of things that pass. It couldn't be utter stupidity, can it?

Dear EU, please take Britain's Brexit plan seriously. It may be our best offer | The Guardian - Opinion |

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jul 15th, 2018 at 06:28:33 PM EST

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