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VIPS Asks Twitter to Restore Van Buren's Account
We at Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) are greatly disturbed by the recent decision of your management to permanently suspend the Twitter account @WeMeantWell of our colleague Peter Van Buren. Peter is a highly respected former Foreign Service Officer possessing impeccable credentials for critiquing current developments that might lead to a new war in Eastern Europe or Asia, something which we Americans presumably all would like to avoid.

In 2011 our colleague Peter published a book, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, about the poor [?] decision- making by both civilians and military

There still lingers a belief that government "policy" purposes, or intention, are good, yet their executions therefore are bad, or incompetent. Why? If indeed conclusion follow from premises, the evidence, which "decisions," or errors, are rewarded and which punished, is all around us.
that led to the disastrous occupation and faux-democracy development in Iraq. It is Peter's concern that our country may well be proceeding down that same path again -- possibly with Iran, Syria and other countries in the Middle East region. ...

Who are you accusing of having good intentions?

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Wed Aug 8th, 2018 at 01:29:22 PM EST
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