Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Not Chequers, that was a poor sickly child at birth and died soon after. But some fudge, call it Ghost of Chequers Attempts to Return 3, that a significant number of Tories will refuse to vote for despite being brutally whipped (those public-school lads like a good whipping anyway).

All the more that May is not the Thatcher she has tried to mimic, that she will never unite Tory MPs behind her, and that the hard-Brexit leaders dream of nothing better than her downfall and replacement (by ME, says Boris).

So getting the ghostly fudge through Parliament would seem to call for help from Labour MPs. Corbyn would doubtless like to see the UK out of the EU before he takes over. Iirc around 200 Labour MPs followed his lead (three-line whip) in voting with May on triggering Article 50. How much have things changed since?

I used to be afew. I'm still not many.

by john_evans (john(dot)evans(dot)et(at)gmail(dot)com) on Sun Sep 23rd, 2018 at 01:38:36 PM EST
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