Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thank you. I now understand how I misread the excerpt that I pulled from this post (above). Your entry, "Developments Arab Spring Egypt's Revolt Explained (Aug. 18, 2013)", corrects my reading.
CIA boosted MB in Egypt during the cold war years* to break the influence of the Soviet Union. The MB were suppressed under Nasser (video) and left Egypt for Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Your entry, "Makkah Siege of 1979 - Turning Point in Saudi Arabia [2018]", pulls some more detail from the post-Nasser period , 1979 to "the early 1990s", into the schism within the KSA and between Egypt and the Gulf states. From the premises of this narrative flows much of my westworld glossary of radical, sectarian violence --or class struggle-- from "mostly Muslim countries" to date. (the exaggerated fixation of some analysts on the "Suez" incident, notwithstanding.) Fair enough, to the victors &tc.

I also understand, I will need to study a broader range of sources to apprehend the roles of Sadat and Mubarak --both seemingly supported by Egypt's military-- and their violent falls from (conditional) grace of NATO in this context. What compels my curiosity is the question, How did MB-in-exile accumulate sufficient popular support in Egypt to post candidate Morsi's election?
* sliding rule of US "Cold War", either Tehran 1943-1991 or Potsdam 1945 to present or OSS 1941 to present

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Mon Mar 4th, 2019 at 05:06:50 PM EST
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