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Lithuania presidential runoff pits novice against ex-minister as PM quits
Nauseda, promising to seek the political middle-ground and build a welfare state, scored 31.07% of the vote, according to near complete official results.
Simonyte, 44, a technocrat who also warns against deepening inequality and the rural-urban divide, has vowed to reduce it by boosting growth further. Socially liberal, Simonyte supports same-sex partnerships which still stir controversy in the predominantly Catholic country.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon May 13th, 2019 at 03:32:37 PM EST
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The story is that two serious candidates defeated populism in the face of the policeman Skvernelis and lesser wannabes.

The Prime Minister Skvernelis is going to keep his vow to resign after this failure, signaling that the common electorate is making a mistake by yielding to high-brow public shaming of his party. Next Parliamentary election is scheduled for October 2020.

Both Nausėda (a mainstream economist) and Šimonytė (a former finance minister) look very similar to the outgoing Grybauskaitė (a former EU finance commissioner), particularly regarding expected EU/NATO/economic/social policies. Nausėda has a better chance, as much of the Soviet generation feels antipathy to the conservatives. On the other hand, Skvernelis called Nausėda a covert conservative this week (and was politely rebuked, of course).

by das monde on Tue May 14th, 2019 at 09:02:48 AM EST
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