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New York Post: Polish abortion protest leader seeks inspiration from Belarus
As Poland's abortion protests continue into a second week, their top organizer, Marta Lempart, says she is grateful for a clear role model to the East - Belarus's opposition movement.

Tens of thousands have gathered across Poland, with the largest protests on Friday in Warsaw, since the Constitutional Tribunal further limited the country's already restrictive abortion laws, making terminations due to fetal abnormalities illegal.

Hundreds marched through the streets and rallied outside universities to keep pressure on Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko to resign.

Lempart, a 41-year-old lawyer by training and one of the heads of Strajk Kobiet (Women's Strike), thinks the parallels between the Polish and Belarusian movements are clear: they are being run by Eastern Europeans and by women.

by IdiotSavant on Tue Nov 3rd, 2020 at 03:10:21 AM EST

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