Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Also : the test used in France is acknowledged to have a high rate of false negatives, up to 40% ... Myself, I'd rather not bother with the test.

The strategy here is to roll out mass testing, with a new generation of rapid and more reliable tests, at the end of the confinement stage.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Thu Mar 26th, 2020 at 03:32:22 PM EST
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Coronavirus: French PM warns 'first 15 days of April will be even more difficult' as death toll rises - The Local
France orders one billion masks from China

Veran said the government's aim was three-pronged: Increase the number of intensive care beds, get the necessary equipment and human reinforcements for hospitals and to transfer patients around the country to ease pressure on certain hospitals.

The number of intensive care beds in France was initially 5,000, which has since risen to around 10,000 but the government hopes to increase it to 14,500.

Veran said the government was exploring various avenues to get hold of enough masks for French health workers, notably via an increase in production within France to make 8 million a week and by ordering more than one billion from China.

Five million tests ordered

The French health minister also said the country had ordered 5 million coronavirus tests that will be able to show a positive or negative result within 15 minutes.

Between now and the end of April France will be able to carry out 30,000 more tests a day. That number will rise to 60,000 in May and 100,000 a day by June, said Olivier Veran.

France currently carries out around 12,000 tests a day.

Separately the health minister has asked elderly care homes known as Ehpad to keep residents in individual isolation. It comes after numerous deaths have occurred in care homes, especially in eastern France.

by Bernard (bernard) on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 at 08:24:49 PM EST
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o, m'k. Hold my beer.
by Cat on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 at 10:15:34 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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