Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

Federal Judge Orders Florida Company to Stop Peddling Bleach-Based COVID-19 'Cure' | US News |

A federal judge has ordered a Florida-based company to stop selling a product that it says cures COVID-19 but prosecutors allege contains a powerful bleach that could make people sick when it is ingested, the Justice Department said on Friday.

The April 16 injunction unsealed on Friday against Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and its executives came after prosecutors filed a civil complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

In the complaint, prosecutors say the company improperly marketed its "Miracle Mineral Solution" as a treatment for COVID-19 making claims that were "unsupported by any well-controlled clinical studies or other credible scientific substantiation."

The company is secular despite having the name "church" in its title and the fact its executives - Mark Grenon, Joseph Grenon, Jordan Grenon and Jonathan Grenon - hold titles of "bishop" or "archbishop," according to the civil complaint.

In the archives ...

Shameless: The High Priests of Snake Oil Offer Miracle Cures | ABC News - Oct. 28, 2016 |

Its "health ministers" pay $450 to become ordained. And medical experts say its "miracle cure" for virtually every disease is little more than a kind of industrial bleach.

Our President ...

G2Voice Broadcast #188 - Letter to President Trump and Response to FDA/FTC about their attack on our Sacraments! 4-19-20

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Apr 24th, 2020 at 07:08:09 PM EST


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