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Jamal Khashoggi's son Salah says family 'forgives' killers | Al Jazeera |

In the statement, posted on Friday, Salah Khashoggi said his family pardons those who took the reporter's life in 2018 when he visited Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul.

"In this blessed night of the blessed month (of Ramadan) we remember God's saying: If a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah."

"Therefore, we the sons of the Martyr Jamal Khashoggi announce that we pardon those who killed our father, seeking reward God almighty" he added.

A Parody of Justice

Trump thanks Saudis on Twitter after absolving prince of Khashoggi killing | Chicago Tribune - Nov. 21, 2018 |

Khashoggi sons' pardon is step towards killers' release, says UN investigator | The Guardian |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri May 22nd, 2020 at 07:54:11 PM EST
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