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The War Nerd: How Many Dead Yemeni Nobodies Does It Take To Equal 1 WaPo Contributor?
But the thing is, that wasn't the bloodiest mess MbS and the Kingdom were involved in. And Khashoggi wasn't the only maimed body left in the wake of MbS's "reform" policies.

Not by a loooooong shot. There was this other thing going on: The Saudi-led invasion and blockade of NW Yemen, the mostly Shia highland provinces of Yemen. That bloody massacre started in March 2015, and it's been killing untold (and I do mean "untold") hundreds of thousands since then.

How many people have died horrible deaths in Yemen since 2015? The official sources like WaPo and NYT and BBC used to fix on a static figure: 10,000 dead.

Everyone laughed at that one. Every knew it had to be much, much higher, but that just annoyed our news sources of record. So they tried fudging the numbers with the face-saving formula "at least" 10,000, but even buzzards sometimes gag, and people got sick of hearing such an obvious callous lie.

So by now, how many Yemeni Shia nobodies are dead? How many inconvenient corpses, disproportionately children (because they're always the first to die in a famine) are buried, untold, in that rocky ground?

Nobody even tries very hard to guess anymore, because nobody in the Western media is interested.

by Bernard (bernard) on Sat Jun 13th, 2020 at 04:59:16 PM EST
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