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If COVID doesn't get you, the mercury will
Air quality regulators have lifted the limits on the number of cremations that can be performed in Los Angeles county, citing a death rate that is more than double the pre-pandemic norm and an unmanageable backlog of dead bodies.


The 28 crematoriums in Los Angeles county have the capacity to perform more cremations, but most of their permits include a monthly cap on cremations due to environmental regulations, the regulator said. Environmentalists have for years called for limits on cremations, which studies have shown release toxic mercury emissions from dental fillings. Mogharabi said the "air toxics impacts" resulting from the executive order were expected to be "relatively small".

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Tue Jan 19th, 2021 at 07:13:33 PM EST
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