Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
WaPoo has finally BREACHED its own pay-wall to report an official Jan 6 crowd estimate ...
Federal officials estimate that roughly 800 people surged into the building, though they caution that such numbers are imprecise, and the real figure could be 100 people or more in either direction.
... that is incomparable in total BLM "mostly peaceful" protest size:total arrests on or before June 4, much less the period ending Nov 30.

MEANWHILE DOJ has created the "Capitol Breach Investigation Resource Page" for inquiring minds--such as yella sheet stringers--tabulating individual suspect WHITE SUPREMACIST TRUMPIANS, charged with disorderly conduct, by US state residency.

by Cat on Sat Jan 23rd, 2021 at 09:33:40 PM EST
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