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Short of biolab-grade PPE, the Auras seem to be the gold standard. I use the Aura FFP3s if I'm going to be spending time among the public. A lot of FFP3s are really FFP2s at best, which are fine for relatively short exposure but not for a full working day.

Lateral/rapid tests have a lag of a day or so during which you can be infectious but the test isn't sensitive enough to show it. The best option continues to be masking and distancing. And full avoidance if possible.

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 at 09:40:34 AM EST
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I'm not sure that FFP3s are strictly necessary. As far as I'm aware they use FFP2s in hospitals down here, though hospitals of course have much better ventilation than you're likely to encounter anywhere else. Nonetheless, I'm probably also going to switch to the FFP3 version once I'm through my current reserves.
by generic on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 at 10:44:13 AM EST
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