Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
One question is answered: how contagious is Omnicron?

Dr. Tedros: "Omicron is spreading at a rate we have not seen with any previous variant."

Omicron is rising rapidly in the US--3% of cases nationally, 13% in NY and NJ

Currently, the US is seeing around 120,000 new COVID cases per day, a 49 percent increase over two weeks ago. The country is averaging 66,500 hospitalizations a day, which is a 22 percent increase. For now, nearly all of the cases and hospitalizations are due to delta, but that will likely change quickly with omicron.

We should have a good idea of its virulence in about 10 to 14 days.

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre

by ATinNM on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 at 04:51:20 PM EST
From the link:

"I need to be very clear," Dr. Tedros said. "Vaccines alone will not get any country out of this crisis... It's not vaccines instead of masks. It's not vaccines instead of distancing. It's not vaccines instead of ventilation or hand hygiene. Do it all. Do it consistently. Do it well."

If the world had followed China's example instead of the US' we'd have this thing under control.

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre

by ATinNM on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 at 04:54:12 PM EST
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US faces a DOUBLE coronavirus SURGE as omicron advances
"Our DELTA surge is ongoing and, in fact, accelerating. And on top of that, we're going to add an OMICRON surge," said Dr. Jacob Lemieux, who monitors variants for a research collaboration led by Harvard Medical School
Most likely, he and other experts said at a press briefing Tuesday, an omicron surge is already under way in the United States, with the latest mutant coronavirus outpacing the nation's ability to track it
with "omicron specific" at-home test kits
by Cat on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 at 07:13:39 PM EST
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If the Alpha or Beta or Delta variant hasn't already illustrated the status of a nation and it's war against SARS Cov-2, the Omicron certainly will two years after its birth in China.

The Omnicron virus loves anti-vaxxers, red states and the very young persons across the USA.

Natural immunity after illness plus a few jabs of vaccines makes the spread of invections more difficult. Strict basic rules too are important ... humans are tired, the virus is reinvigorated ... we'll see in a few weeks or months who is winning.

The goal of herd immunity is a farce, the virus is here to stay.

The UK at it's best in the vaccination program has followed Tory preference to save the economy and don't look "stupid" to ban drinks in pubs, the English way.

UK the numbers 78,610 new cases today.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 at 08:30:44 PM EST
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His lobby killed him ...

GOP State Senator Doug Ericksen confirms to @KIRORadio he's in rough shape with Covid. He says he's currently in El Salvador & unable to leave the country. Monoclonal antibodies not available there. He's asking House and Senate R's to find a way to get those meds to him

Why Is a Washington State Senator Lobbying for Cambodia?

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Dec 19th, 2021 at 03:46:33 PM EST
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by Cat on Sun Dec 19th, 2021 at 11:55:44 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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