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Corona infections skyrocket after "freedom tour" of the FPÖ in Carinthia

The "freedom tour" of FPÖ chairman Herbert Kickl in Carinthia at the beginning of November, which took him from Wolfsberg to Gmünd, caused heated debates. A major FPÖ event took place in Wolfsberg on November 5th. In the near future, the number of infections in the district skyrocketed; the seven-day incidence is currently over 2000, making the district the sad leader in Austria.

Singer of the "Fidelen Mölltaler" died

There was also material for debate after it became known that the singer of the folk music group "Die Fidelen Mölltaler", Ludwig "Lucky" Ladstätter, died on Monday after a two-week fight against Corona in the Wolfsberg hospital. He had also attended the FPÖ event, as shown by a photo of him with Kickl, which he himself posted on Instagram.

According to information from Kabeg, the state hospital in Wolfsberg is working at full capacity. Since all hospitals in the state cooperate with intensive care patients, the question of whether the intensive care unit in Wolfsberg is overloaded cannot be answered that way. 57 people in Carinthia are currently receiving intensive medical care due to corona.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Dec 1st, 2021 at 03:07:59 PM EST
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