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Novavax's [Nuvaxovid™] vaccine becomes the fifth jab to be approved for use in the EU
"We welcome today's European Commission decision reflecting the first authorization of a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine for the people of the E.U.," said Stanley C. Erck, Novavax's CEO.
The European Commission has already signed a contract with Novavax for the advance purchase of 200 million doses of its vaccine once it has been approved by the EMA. [...] Indonesia and the Philippines have already approved Novavax's jab, while Japan has agreed to buy 150 million doses. Novavax says it has also filed for approval in Britain, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and with the World Health Organization.
archived Why Rousseff-Uclef did not apply for FDA license, Fri Aug 6th, 2021, Mon Mar 29th, 2021, Tue Mar 3rd, 2020
by Cat on Mon Dec 20th, 2021 at 06:53:57 PM EST
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