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High school announcer caught by hot mic blames racist outburst on high blood sugar | The Guardian |

An announcer for a live stream of an Oklahoma girls' high school basketball game cursed and called one team by a racial epithet as the players knelt during the national anthem, then suggested his diabetes was to blame for the episode in a statement expressing his regret.

Matt Rowan, owner of OSPN, the third-party company that produced the telecast for NFHS, revealed on Friday afternoon that he was the speaker on broadcast.

I am a family man and former youth pastor ... statement.

BLM ... Trumpists and White Supremacists living in an alternate world ... a youth pastor! Some education w/o a doubt ... the next generation.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Mar 13th, 2021 at 06:43:54 AM EST

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