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Adar Poonawalla, CEO and owner of vaccine maker Serum Institute of India, recently issued a personal appeal to Biden on social media.

Asked earlier in the week about these details, State Department spokesperson Ned Price declined to discuss the specifics of the matter but spoke broadly as to the U.S. point of view, which has been expressed by President Joe Biden and Secretary Antony Blinken.

"President Biden, Secretary Blinken, they're deeply focused on the issue of expanding global vaccination, manufacturing, and delivery - all of which will be critical to ending the pandemic," Price said. "Secretary Blinken consistently makes the point that as long as the virus is out of control, is uncontained anywhere around the world, whether that is here in the United States, whether that is elsewhere, it continues to present a risk to the American people."

Biden admin criticized for not releasing surplus COVID-19 vaccines to India

Delivery of SinoVac vaccines comes with propaganda ...

America, it's time to cleanse your own stains | China Global Times |

From earlier posts ...

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Apr 25th, 2021 at 12:27:17 PM EST
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