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Biden admin 'literally aids, abets and justifies' Israeli bombings in Gaza: CAIR | Iran PressTV |

The Biden administration celebrated Eid and attempted to promote peace for both Israelis and Palestinians, recognizing the conflict in a statement celebrating the holiday Friday.

"Jill and I are looking forward to the White House's commemoration of Eid this Sunday," Biden said in a statement.

At least 174 Palestinians, including 47 children and 29 women, have been killed in the Gaza Strip in the past week. Nearly 1,000 others have also been injured.

Biden has reportedly called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, raising concerns about rising civilian deaths in Gaza and the bombing of a building housing news agencies.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun May 16th, 2021 at 01:04:09 PM EST

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