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CPJ calls on Israeli authorities to protect press freedom, journalist safety amid Israeli-Palestinian conflict

On May 12, Israeli forces in the West Bank city Tulkarem arrested Hazem Naser, a Palestinian camera operator for the Amman-based broadcaster Al-Ghad, according to a report by his employer; he remains in detention today, and authorities have not disclosed the reason for his arrest.

Separately, two members of a right-wing Israeli demonstration in Tel Aviv assaulted a TV crew working for the Israeli public broadcaster Kan News yesterday, according to News reports.

Also, an Israeli air strike injured at least two Palestinian journalists with the Turkish state-owned Anadolu Agency yesterday in Gaza, their employer reported.

"Israeli authorities must cease arresting and attacking journalists, who play a vital role reporting the news and bringing clarity amid chaos," said CPJ Middle East and North Africa representative Ignacio Miguel Delgado.

RSF asks ICC prosecutor to say whether Israeli airstrikes on media in Gaza constitute war crimes

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed May 26th, 2021 at 10:32:24 AM EST

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