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Reply to Donna Brazile - Kahane

Alex Odeh: Trailblazing Palestinian-American Human Rights Activist | IMEU - Apr. 2, 2021 |

Palestinian-American Alex Odeh was a passionate defender of Palestinian human rights and advocate of inter-faith unity between Jews, Muslims, and Christians, a loving husband and father, and a talented poet.

Born into a Christian family in the town of Jifna, Palestine, on April 4, 1944, Alex lived through the mass expulsions of Palestinians during Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948 and following Israel's occupation of the West Bank in 1967, becoming a committed advocate for Palestinian rights. As a result of his outspoken support for Palestinian rights, he was assassinated at the office of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), in Santa Ana, California, where he was regional director, in 1985.

The California Murder Case That Israel Is Sweeping Under the Rug : Justice: In 1985, Alex Odeh was killed by a pipe bomb in Orange County. The FBI has three suspects, but they are in Israel; extradition is unlikely. | LA Times - May 1990 |

Alex Odeh Was Assassinated. Two Suspects Live Openly in Israel | The Intercept |

My recent writing ...

Days of Kahane Terror Returns in Israël

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri May 28th, 2021 at 04:01:10 PM EST

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