Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Today the PM has officially handed in his resignation and the speaker will lead rounds to try to find an acceptable PM. The alternative was for the PM to call extra elections within three months.

The rules are the same as after an ordinary election. The speaker suggests PM candidates to parliament. If less then a majority votes against, he or she is elected. So it could be one vote for, 174 votes against and 174 abstaining and we would have a new PM.

In practical terms it is Ulf Kristersson from the Moderates that is the opposition candidate, and current PM Löfven from the Social Democrats, that are the two candidates. With the Liberals shifting over to right-wing with support of far right, and if the parties line up and whip all MPs, and the two independents (one former liberla, one former left) vote as expected, then it should end up as 174 for Kristersson and 175 against, while if Löfven can finalise negotiations with the Center party without the Liberals he should get 175 for and 174 against.

If parliament votes down four candidates in a row, there are automatic new elections. The cabinet stays on as caretaker government until a new one is formed.

by fjallstrom on Mon Jun 28th, 2021 at 10:16:37 AM EST

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