Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
A couple of days with noise and speculation has passed.

Among other things a focus has been on the sole Center MP from Västerbotten who voted against Löfven as PM in 2019 (when it didn't matter that she voted against). Moderate MP and twitter profile Hanif Bali has offered to fund raise for her if she comes over to the right wing and hinted at 2 million SKR (approximately 200 000 euros or dollars), Bali has been reported to the police for attempted bribery and withdrawn the offer from twitter. The Center MP has declared that she will vote with her party.

Also the minister of agriculture has resigned, and as she is an elected MP she has now reclaimed her MP seat from her substitute MP. Apparently the substitute is ill and could have been absent in a vote.

Today Kristersson has without a vote declined the mission to form a government, handing it back to the speaker to find another PM, which in effect will be Löfven. To me that feels like the beginning of the end of the crisis. Remaining is getting an agreement between the Social Democratic and Green government and  the Center party, that takes into account the red lines of the Left party. Then Löfven will return as PM instead of care taker PM.

by fjallstrom on Thu Jul 1st, 2021 at 11:36:18 AM EST

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