Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Only the Dutch are in lockdown with Omicron infections surging  during lockdown.

USA deaths 2626 /1M pop. -- present daily death rate 7-day moving avg. 1700 ↗️ [pop. 334M]

Belgium deaths 2459 /1M pop. -- present daily death rate 7-day moving avg. 20 [pop. 12M]

UK deaths 2229 /1M pop. -- present daily death rate 7-day moving avg. 272 ↗️ [pop. 68M]

Germany deaths 1385 /1M pop. -- present daily death rate 7-day moving avg. 223 [pop. 84M]

Netherlands 1231 /1M pop. (undercount by perhaps 50%) -- present daily death rate 7-day moving avg. 9 [pop. 18M]

Israel 892 /1M pop. -- present daily death rate 7-day moving avg. 7 ↗️ [pop. 9M]

Denmark deaths 607 /1M pop. -- present daily death rate 7-day moving avg. 15 [pop. 6M]

UAE deaths 218 /1M pop.
Egypt deaths 211 /1M pop.
Australia deaths 110 /1M pop.
New Zealand deaths 10 /1M pop.
China deaths 3 /1M pop.

England drops all Covid-19 restrictions per January 26, 2022. Let it rip!!

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jan 19th, 2022 at 04:57:59 PM EST
Lockdown of cultural venues and hospitality sector, but the MacDonald is open, of course.
A great week for Dutch excellency:
The HK covid hamsters were.. Dutch?

Two years on and the NL, which has one of the lowest IC beds number in Western Europe, still has no specialized structure (unlike Spain, which built a covid hospital in Madrid), and generally does not test people for covid systematically:

Embedding links mean that people using a phone or a tablet cannot see in advance what website they are going to open. not a good idea imo

by Tom2 on Wed Jan 19th, 2022 at 07:13:56 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Not any "rick-rollers" trolling here" ... except me. Once in a while I'll ahhh proof headline grammar, editorialize a story, or snatch a quote from the story instead of simply copying the headline.

Place the published press headline between HTML <a> </a> is customary here, even if that headline is an natural, ill-conceived editorial management disaster.

That's no guarantee everyone will click-through, of course, even if you pull a quote beneath the headline hotlink.

by Cat on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 at 01:19:19 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Abandon rules so I can have my usual booze parties in the garden of Downing Street 10 for work visits ....

The NHS isn't 'coping' with Omicron - just ask doctors and patients

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 at 04:24:04 PM EST
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'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 at 04:25:27 PM EST
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Funny how there are still people who think that the aristocracy is going to be giving up power. The point of democracy is to make the peasants think they have a say in what goes on, so they will riot less often.
by asdf on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 at 04:34:38 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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