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PM awaits Sue Gray report as Tory MP claims Met is `abusing power' | The Guardian |

Clown 🤡 Boris will visit under siege capital Kyiv for some peace of mind, however the Kremlin and Putin cannot make arrangements for a visit for UK PM. Time of Putin is too precious  ... as does #Boris have a busy schedule?

"My colleague Boris Johnson has recently said that he has no proof that Russia interfered with the U.K. referendum on Brexit," said Lavrov at a news conference in Moscow.

Johnson swiftly shot back: "Not successfully, not successfully, I think is the word."

"He is afraid that if he doesn't contradict me, it will ruin his reputation with media back home," Lavrov quipped.

"Sergey, it's your reputation I am worried about," Johnson responded.

Johnson then said that had Russia been successful at influencing the referendum or election results in Britain, "it would have been an entirely different matter."

After Brexit is he as PM to be taken seriously by anyone in the Kremlin?

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 at 02:03:06 PM EST

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