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Shows no wisdom, no leadership ... what does Josep Borrell deliver to the European Union? Nada! The diplomat with no face.

Ukraine war: Russian army will be 'annihilated' if it launches a nuclear attack, warns Josep Borrell | EuroNews |

"There is the nuclear threat, and Putin is saying he is not bluffing. Well, he cannot afford bluffing," Borrell said during a European Diplomatic Academy event in Bruges.

"It has to be clear that the people supporting Ukraine and the European Union and the member states, and the United States and NATO are not bluffing neither." 

"And any nuclear attack against Ukraine will create an answer -- not a nuclear answer but such a powerful answer from the military side -- that the Russian army will be annihilated, and Putin should not be bluffing," he said.

Borrell spoke of a "serious moment of history" and painted a grim picture of profound uncertainty and instability for global politics as a result of Russia's invasion.

The diplomat said the current rules-based system was being "challenged like never before".

"We are definitely out of the Cold War and the post-Cold War. The post-Cold War has ended with the Ukrainian war, with the Russian aggression against Ukraine," he told the audience.

"This war is changing a lot of things, and certainly it is changing the European Union. This war will create a different European Union, from different perspectives."

Reference to a speech by Borrell on first day ...

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 at 08:16:28 AM EST

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