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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensk* to meet Wednesday with Biden, address Congress
Biden invited Zelenskyy to Washington to reinforce the U.S. "stands with Ukraine for as long as it takes," according to a senior Biden administration official who discussed the trip on the condition of anonymity.

During their meeting, Biden will commit $2 billion in additional U.S. security assistance to send Patriot antimissile batteries to Ukraine amid the bombardment of cities by Russian missiles and drones.

Zelenskyy's joint address to Congress, set for later in the evening, comes as lawmakers prepare to vote on an additional $45 billion in emergency assistance to Ukraine. The U.S. has provided about $68 billion in military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine since violence between it and Russia renewed.
"To have a complete and total hero in the Congress of the United States, fighting for democracy, leading people who are fighting for [UAH 1.35T in loss and damages], would bring honor to the Congress of the United States," Pelosi told reporters.

archived o, no, he di'n't. o, yes, she did.

by Cat on Wed Dec 21st, 2022 at 02:18:28 PM EST
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