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Dignity? The Bloody Revolution with violence led by Rightwing thugs with nationalist motives for a neutral Ukraine ... chaos led to overthrow of democracy. The Independence Square covered on blood of innocents.

McCain Visits Kiev's Pro-Europe Rally | The  oscow Times - Dec. 15, 2013 | [pro-western edition]

Thousands amassed on Sunday for a rally against President Viktor Yanukovych just days before he heads for a meeting at the Kremlin, which the opposition fears will slam the door on integration with the European Union.

Minutes before the rally, EU enlargement chief Stefan Fuele said on Twitter that he had told Ukraine last week he was suspending work on a trade-and-political agreement, saying Kiev's arguments to improve terms had "no grounds in reality."

Fuele's words suggested the EU has lost patience with Kiev's demands for financial aid and was irritated at the way the bloc was being forced to take part in a `bidding war' with Russia over Ukraine.

Street protests erupted after Yanukovych's decision on Nov. 21 to walk away from the agreement with the EU, after years of careful preparation, and turn to Moscow for aid to save Ukraine's distressed economy.

Yanukovych's policy swerve, while backed by many in his power base in Russian-speaking east Ukraine, sparked huge disappointment and anger in western and central areas where people see Europe as their proper place.

The weeks-long standoff between demonstrators in central Kiev and the authorities took on increasing geopolitical overtones with the arrival of U.S. Senator John McCain.

Several Western politicians, from Berlin and Brussels, have paid morale-boosting trips to protesters on Independence Square -- drawing denunciation from Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev as "crude" meddling in Ukraine's affairs.

Ukraine: Extremists Reject EU Deal, Demand Violent Overthrow | Feb. 21, 2014 |

  • John McCaine walks the streets of a secure Iraq capital Baghdad [a lie]
  • John McCaine crosses border into Syria from Turkey to meet Freedom Fighters [a lie .. the men were hardened cut-throat extremist quilty of abduction and executions]
  • John McCaine and buddy lobbyist Scheunemann were closely involved in starting the Georgian War on South Ossetia in Aug. 2008]

  • 'Sapere aude'
    by Oui (Oui) on Thu Dec 22nd, 2022 at 07:21:28 PM EST
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