Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Anti-war rally draws at least 100,000 in Berlin, 27 Feb
At least 100,000 people gathered in the center of Berlin to demonstrate against Russia's invasion of Ukraine as the German parliament was in an extraordinary session over the response to the resulting security crisis.
Many of those in attendance dressed in the sunflower yellow and sky blue of the Ukrainian flag. They carried signs with slogans including "No World War 3" and "Stop the killer" as they amassed at the Brandenburg Gate, located near the Russian Embassy on central Berlin's Under den Linden avenue
DC approval
WaPo.Bloomberg | Putin Has Already Caused a Revolution in Germany
It wasn't a physical one, like the blasts of the bombs Russian President Vladimir Putin is lobbing at the brave people of Ukraine. It was instead the detonation of two or more decades of naive, misguided and often hypocritical foreign and defense policy.

In a special session of parliament, Chancellor Olaf Scholz dispatched nearly every dogma Germans -- notably including his own party, the Social Democrats -- have stubbornly clung to for a generation to the chagrin of their allies in NATO and the European Union.
The goal, several speakers made clear, was the complete economic, financial and political isolation of Putin's Russia.

But that wasn't the biggest surprise. That prize goes to the decision to finally send weapons to Ukraine for its self-defense. Throughout this crisis, Germany had stubbornly stuck to its position of not arming parties in war (which it has hypocritically ignored in other conflicts).
That sanctimoniousness has crumbled, as Germans keep witnessing Ukrainian heroism. Like people across much of the world, they're agape at the valor of ordinary Ukrainians preparing to fight, and of mothers stoically seeking shelter with their children in subway shafts. And they're inspired by the laconic courage of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy -- who answered American offers to transport him to safety with the reminder: "I need ammunition, not a ride."

REUTERS | Germany mulls extending nuclear plants' life-span - economy minister
Asked by German broadcaster ARD whether he could imagine letting [E.ON] nuclear plants run longer than planned under Germany's exit plan, which foresees shutting down the country's three remaining plans by the end of 2022, Robert Habeck said: "It is part of my ministry's tasks to answer this question. I would not reject it on ideological grounds - but the preliminary examination has shown that it does not help us."
Foreign Policy | Putin Accidentally Started a Revolution in Germany
€100B defense fund, 2% p.a. therafter; "nuclear role in NATO"; purchase order of US arms
by Cat on Mon Feb 28th, 2022 at 03:46:08 AM EST
In shock news, Zelenskiy's approval ratings are at 90%.
Sure that the military are going to depose him now.

I don't know what drugs he is doing, but I want some.

In more worrying news, 70% of Ukrainians believe the Russians can be defeated.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Mon Feb 28th, 2022 at 08:17:18 AM EST
[ Parent ]
by Cat on Mon Feb 28th, 2022 at 05:58:20 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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