Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
thank you.

I will see how this "community" plays out.

I did mention, one of my hobbies is (web)blog ethnography and why. In this capacity--longitudinal study of communication customs which I developed in grad school--I have noted in situ the predictive power of certain phases in proprietary maintenance of, or "pathways" to, dialogue (primarily *-EN) among website patrons which either strengthen correspondents' cohesion or signify imminent collapse. I have intimately observed four such localized collapses, spanning 2 - 6 years, since 2003. eurotrib is, however, the website (ICT exchange, URL) which I have studied for the longest period, 13 years, including a 5 year interruption of my own active participation with this cohort.

by Cat on Tue Mar 22nd, 2022 at 02:54:14 PM EST
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