Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
From the diaries ...

Kiev, Ukraine in 2016: OUN Heroes, 'The Jews Had It Coming' | Aug 6, 2016 |

For the greater good of Western Power ...

Cold War Allies: CIA's Relations with Ukrainian Nationalists | CIA Archives |

As relations between the United States and the Soviet Union dete-riorated, the Central Intelligence Agency expanded its ties with these emigres. Using the Ukrainians as an example, this bonding illustrates the pitfalls and problems of enlisting disaffected ethnic minorities in an ideological struggle.

Three problems prevented immediate and close collaboration between SSU and the Ukrainian emigres. Most importantly, American intelligence was woefully ignorant of the different Ukrainian groups and their aims.

A second problem was the war record of some anti-Communist Ukrainians. The struggle between the Wehrmacht and Red Army awakened and inflamed ancient rivalries and hatreds in Ukraine.

CM War Allies

Ukrainians despised Poles and Jews as well as Soviet Communists. Ukrainians served in the German army and had been linked to Nazi atrocities on the Eastern Front. (S)

Motivation and reliability were final SSU concerns. Quinn considered the Ukrainians "adroit political intriguers and past masters in the art of propaganda" who would not hesitate to use the United States for their own ends. Moreover, emigre groups in general -- and Soviet ethnic minority groups in particular -- were obvious targets of Soviet penetration and manipulation."

Aradi also met Mykola Lebed, a fierce nationalist and key figure in the Ukrainian liberation movement. Lebed, one of the founders of the Orgcmizcicya Ukrainskych Nationcilliv, or Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), served as the foreign minister of Zakordonne Predstavnytstvo UHVR or Foreign Representation of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council. Lebed fervently believed in Ukrainian independence, but was controversial. Poland sentenced him to death (later commuted to life in prison) for his involvement in the assassination of the Polish Minister of the Interior Bronisław Pieracki in 1934."

VP Gore in Kyiv to review U.S.-Ukraine strategic partnership | UkrWeekly - July 1998 |

Cold War warrior Joe Biden picking up policy of 75 years ago initiated by OSS ...

Massacre of 50 to 100,000 Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia (1943)

On 22 July 2016, the Parliament of Poland passed a resolution recognizing the massacres as genocide. This classification is disputed by Ukraine and non-Polish historians. According to a 2016 article in Slavic Review, there is a "scholarly consensus that this was a case of ethnic cleansing as opposed to genocide".

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Apr 10th, 2022 at 12:34:54 PM EST
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