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Biography ...

Soldiers of the Azov Armed Forces - Sviatoslav Palamar, friend of KALINA, Deputy Commander of the Azov Regiment: It is very important that there are officers in key positions in the Army who are capable of aggressive actions, have courage and something between the legs

And where did you study and grow up?
I am Galician, I was born in a small town near Lviv, where I spent my childhood until my student years.

After military service, I trained at the International Peacekeeping Training Center [Yavoriv military base near Lviv a NATO PfP center] where I was a contractor. 89th Airmobile Brigade, had experience in handling weapons, some tactics at a minimum level and believed that I may be needed at this time, because I took the Oath of Allegiance.

Deputy Commander a separate detachment of special purpose NMU "Azov" to work with a special staff. Call sign - Kalina.

Azov battalion: - "We stand! Nobody is going to leave the eastern outpost."

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Tue May 17th, 2022 at 07:42:53 PM EST

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