Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I've tuned into Duran programming almost every day since The Invasion week. Duran also operates a multi-user, Wordpress site; paying subscribers acquire permission to comment and post "diaries". I watched Lira graduate from chat contributer to regular Zoom-box personality--Our Man in Ukraine (actually, center city Khark*v apartment). An invidious effect is, Duran trimmed its prior short-list of invited guest-experts (primarily fin/fund analysts drawn from YouTube channels) to zero. Though I caught his introductory c.v. ("banking" to film industry, writer/director), I've still no idea why he immigrated, iirc, 4 years ago, to Ukraine of all places on planet earth.

Lira's primary influencer ROLE, AFAICT, is confirming Mercouris and Christoforou presentiments--informed by MSM reporting, RU media articles, interpretive readings of select ministerial READOUTS, and site users' comments and Qs--from his virtual tower of solitude/loneliness (for a week or so, this topic pre-occupied his hosts' perception of distant combat). They not only encouraged him to espouse cargo cult knowledge and beliefs on any topic--typically, public figures (which inadvertantly revealed idiosyncratic sophistication)--they promoted his YouTube channel. One could hardly be concerned for his safety as he gave little to zeroo indication of danger in or around Khark*v until the BUCHA flag and RU withdrawal from suburban K**v.

While I have been greatly moved over the past 2 months by Lancaster's recorded reconn under shelling in several Donbas locales, I cannot recall Lira's interest in any or sympathy for the well-being of their plight.

I do recall Lira casually dropping his SBU detention prophecy into one of the mutual admiration portions of each program just before then--some five weeks ago. The topic his mental health evolved with his importance to Duran broadcast reach into manifest paranoia--real or imagined SBU surveillance, retreat to undisclosed housing arrangements, and 12-hr "wellness check". Last week he inexplicably promised to post a video-documented excursion to a grocery shop to display a range of local product inventory.

I listened to this guy Saturday, not Friday, morning You can too. Is Galloway's Sunday night OUT CRY to 1M fans of Lira's "disappearance" premature--a case of WiFi technical difficulty or a tribute to Peng Shuai self-censorship? Only time will tell if he finally managed to escape the cauldron with a script.

by Cat on Mon Apr 18th, 2022 at 09:27:35 PM EST
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