Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Here's Intel Slava Z - reposting what they have found out regarding Lira so far...

If anyone knows where Gonzalo Lira is, please make a single bicep pose 7:21 AM April 18 2022

Source @Anabel_Villeroy

Meet Azov Neo-Nazi Sergey Velichenko, call sign 'Chile', who allegedly kidnapped Gonzalo Lira, according to AFU 🇺🇦 /botsmanua.

Сергей Олегович is said to be one of the authors of kneecapping Russian POWs.

IG: chilli_1654
Telegram: chilli_1654

Allegedly tracked down with support from on-line bloggers at Daily Beast ...

RIP Gonzalo

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Tue Apr 19th, 2022 at 06:11:01 AM EST
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no proof of death either, not even a trophy photo or personal memento, as is the custom.

Azov--unlike ISIL/ISIS/DAESH/al-Quaida-in-the-* whose PR savvy western press depended on to confirm or deny rumored atrocities--can scarcely be considered an authoritative source of facts from battle fields. First of all, western press can't agree that Azov militia operate independently of the UAF or how they are integrated in UAF command structure.

Why, just this morning, to commemorate the official start of NATO-designated "phase 2" of Russia's offensive in Donbas-Mariupol, CNN discovered that revnants of Azov brigade No. x, barricaded in the Azovstal plant for two months, had discovered women and children in the basement who inexplicably were not counted among POWs eligible for trade or evacuation.

Obviously, "degrees of atrocities" attributed to them--whether true or false--by unauthorized or uncredentialed reporters contradict NATO's confidence in UAF discipline, European values, and RFA's exclusive perpetration of war crimes. Which leaves "social media" operators ample opportunities either to discredit, valorize, manufacture, or monetize by sheer repitition  an exemplary patriotic figure--general, warrior, journalist, artist, widowed and orphaned refugee--one "meme" of war to represent the obscurity of countless combat zones. Kherk*v, for example. What's been happening in this city, this region, those settlements, this weekend, this month, while voyeurs fretted that "chili" and Gonzalo might miss "the fall" of Mariupol?

by Cat on Tue Apr 19th, 2022 at 09:14:09 PM EST
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Exhibit n+1

trade marked with uncanny resemblance to vintage DailyKos GRAPHIC WARNING

by Cat on Wed Apr 20th, 2022 at 03:02:13 PM EST
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  1. PUTIN'S WAR ended at Tabloid USA. Some time last week editorial management stopped publishing a front-page ISW "situation map", or readers' guide. Although Zelensk* headline of the day still ledes domestic disturbances, management isn't even linking to it.  

  2. TIME deprecated at YouTube. I first noticed this format alteration appeared generalized a few weeks ago: end of date stamps on disassociated account assets, ie. YouTube automated "suggestions". The Story of a Ukrainian Sniper (below) is an example of anachronistic info and content management systems disintermediate knowledge formation. In this case in the context of PUTIN'S WAR, the oldest comment is 4 years, the latest is 1 day.
by Cat on Wed Apr 20th, 2022 at 08:09:07 PM EST
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