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@IronForge - 258

Thanks for the info though not happy to see it. I wrote that Lira was risking his life with his comments way back on March 6th and was surprised nothing happened sooner but it still remains awful to see play out.

One of those in the picture is former Azov Commander Maksym Zhorin, seen here boasting that Azov do not forgive lies and slander, and here gloating over the executed remains of a pro-Russian mayor in the, overwhelmingly pro-Russian, region of Luhansk, i.e. the execution by outsiders of someone who almost certainly represented the will of his community.

By itself this should be more than enough to open a criminal investigation against Zhorin in relation to Lira's disappearance but unless the Chilean, or another, government puts some pressure on people I won't expect anything to happen.

Posted by: Brannagyn | Apr 19 2022 6:39 utc | 271

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Apr 19th, 2022 at 08:01:55 AM EST
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