Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
  1. PUTIN'S WAR ended at Tabloid USA. Some time last week editorial management stopped publishing a front-page ISW "situation map", or readers' guide. Although Zelensk* headline of the day still ledes domestic disturbances, management isn't even linking to it.  

  2. TIME deprecated at YouTube. I first noticed this format alteration appeared generalized a few weeks ago: end of date stamps on disassociated account assets, ie. YouTube automated "suggestions". The Story of a Ukrainian Sniper (below) is an example of anachronistic info and content management systems disintermediate knowledge formation. In this case in the context of PUTIN'S WAR, the oldest comment is 4 years, the latest is 1 day.
by Cat on Wed Apr 20th, 2022 at 08:09:07 PM EST
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