Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Mr Tikun Olam is trying to tell y'all,

  1. SCOTUS authority to enforce its opinions was hitherto indisputable (despite all HISTORIC evidence to the contrary in re: glorious Bill of Rights, OSHA, CENSUS 2020;
  2. politicians don't lie;
  3. since "Gullible" is his middle-name, he'll GOTV and throw money at any Democratic Party primary candidate to lend the "opposition party" just one, ONE more, stab at collecting a majority of seats in both chambers to Build Back Better inclusiveness; and
  4. he has NO confidence at all in either representative democracy or legislative processes of the several states responsible for liberties and "frauds" which he--unlike "women and minorities"--and the US Center for Reproductive Rights have procreated since 2014.

and refined for patriarchy and its handmaids lurking everywhere.

well, suh, I hope, reality don't hit him up-side the head too hard, again, come 10 Nov.

The latest poll smoke and split tickets predict "social conservatives" agree, restricting abortion as to Reasons® is not a private right. It's a public project.

by Cat on Wed May 4th, 2022 at 09:02:37 PM EST
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