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ASML: Be Careful About Chip Gear Ban Against China

The DUV tools are a generation behind the state-of-the-art EUV systems that the likes of Intel, TSMC, and others are buying to build chips using the world's most advanced process nodes. These range from Apple's M2 chip for Macs and Qualcomm's X70 modem for 5G phones to Nvidia's H100 GPUs for data centers, Marvell's Octeon 10 DPU, and NXP's S32 series for cars, which all use TSMC's EUV-based 5-nm process.

DUV is invaluable for virtually everything else, including chips based on 28-nm or larger nodes that have been in severely short supply for over a year, snagging production of everything from cars to phones and even ASML's chip-making gear.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 29th, 2022 at 12:27:27 PM EST
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