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See long lists of articles written about confrontation with fossil fuel superpower Russia today.

Die langen Linien des rus­si­schen Imperialismus | 9. Jun 2022 |

Ralf Fücks calling for regime change??

Der Kli­ma­wan­del und die fossile Groß­macht Russland | 4. Mrz 2021 |

It remains questionable to what extent the current Russian leadership is willing and able to initiate an ecological change of course that calls the previous system into question. In contrast, reform-oriented forces in Russia see climate policy and ecological modernization as one of the few fields in which constructive cooperation seems possible despite ongoing political tensions. An ecological transformation of Russia could become the motor for overdue economic and political reforms.

Another advisor to German politics who has no understanding of UN Charter definition of sovereignty.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Aug 22nd, 2022 at 12:37:25 PM EST
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