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TASS | Britain has buried relations with Saudi Arabia, 21 Sep Who controls the narrative...
Saudi Arabia can hardly be called an example of humanism, but this does not negate the fact that the accusations against Muhammad bin Salman are unsubstantiated, at least for now. Western countries claim that he at least knew about the impending murder, and at the most he was its customer. The reason allegedly was criticism of the crown prince's actions by a journalist. At the same time, the West did not back up the accusations against him.

Definitely, only the CIA pointed out the involvement of bin Salman in the incident . At the same time, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights placed responsibility on the entire leadership of Saudi Arabia. And Amnesty International, for example, called the death sentence against five convicts a whitewashing of real criminals. The verdict, by the way, was subsequently replaced by prison terms.

And these people, as they say, forbid us to pick our noses ... The unsubstantiated accusations of American intelligence have become a byword since the days of Colin Powell, shaking anthrax spores with a test tube at a meeting of the UN Security Council as proof that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, which Hussein was not in the end.

... controls independence and effectiveness of the media authority!
by Cat on Fri Sep 23rd, 2022 at 12:37:16 PM EST
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