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in the footnotes

de business ideer

The proposal is articulated around four specific [sic] objectives:

• Fostering cross-border activity and investment in media services by harmonising certain elements of the diverging national media pluralism frameworks, in particular to facilitate cross-border service provision. Through coordination at EU level, the proposal aims to ensure that when assessing media market concentrations independent national authorities approach media pluralism and media independence in a consistent manner.

• Increasing regulatory cooperation and convergence through cross-border coordination tools and EU-level opinions and guidelines. This will promote consistent approaches to media pluralism and media independence, and provide effective protection for users of media services from illegal and harmful content, including online and with regard to service providers (including from third countries) [!] not following EU media standards.

• Facilitating provision of quality media services by mitigating the risk of undue public and private interference in editorial freedom. The proposal aims to guarantee that journalists and editors can work without interference, including when it comes to protecting their sources and communications. By fostering editorial independence, it also guarantees better protection for the interests of recipients of media services.

• Ensuring transparent and fair allocation of economic resources in the internal media market by enhancing transparency and fairness in audience measurement and allocation of state advertising. The proposal aims to ensure transparency, non-discrimination, proportionality, objectivity[,] and inclusiveness of audience measurement methodologies, in particular online. It will also ensure transparency, non-discrimination, proportionality[,] and objectivity in allocation of state advertising to media outlets, in order to minimise the risks of the misuse of public funding for partisan interests, to the detriment of other market players. It will thus promote fair competition in the internal media market.

de business plan ...

The legal basis for this proposal is Article 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which provides for the adoption of measures for the approximation of the provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States which have as their object the establishment and functioning of the internal market. ...

and demand for EU "financial support"

The proposal is based on extensive consultation with stakeholders, in the light of the general principles and standards for consultation of interested parties by the Commission.

A call for evidence announcing the initiative was published on 21 December 2021 and was open for feedback until 25 March 2022. A total of 1 473 responses were received 41. A public consultation was open from 10 January to 25 March 2022 and attracted 917 responses 42. ...

by Cat on Fri Sep 23rd, 2022 at 03:04:26 PM EST
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