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kawsachunnews | CNN Taken Down for Violating Nicaragua's Constitution, 23 Sep media operator programmes
For its part, this Regulatory Entity, as a decentralized entity of the State of Nicaragua, in compliance with its functions and powers conferred by Decree-Law Number 1053 "Organic Law of the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Postal Services (TELCOR)", Law Number 200 "General Law of Telecommunications and Postal Services" and other applicable regulations, is obliged to ensure the protection, defense and preservation of the principles, rights and guarantees established in our Political Constitution and other laws on the matter.

Based on the foregoing, and since it has been verified that the content transmitted by the Channel "CNN en español" through the Subscription Television network of the company it represents contravenes, violates, and damages the aforementioned legal norms, the immediate withdrawal of said channel from the channel grids authorized by this Regulatory Entity is ordered.

Finally, we request that the Regulatory Entity be informed as soon as possible, which channel will replace "CNN en español" in the channel grids for our review and authorization.

tiny violin
VOA | Statement on Suspension of License of VOA Affiliate Radio Dario in Nicaragua, 16 Aug
"systematic campaign against independent media" violins
by Cat on Fri Sep 30th, 2022 at 04:04:36 PM EST
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