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Gas, crolla il prezzo in Italia: costa un terzo rispetto all'Europa. E ora lo esportiamo | il Repubblico |

It can be clearly seen from the prices: the Ttf index, listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange and a reference point for trading in Europe, on Monday reached a peak of 220 euros per megawatt hour, while in Italy the values ​​at PSV (virtual trading point) which serves as a reference for the Italian market has reached a minimum peak of 80 euros. Basically, operators had much more interest in selling in the rest of Europe than in keeping the gas or selling it in Italy.

The stockpiles (the filling of which had caused the price to rise) are now 90% full and can be used in case of need, calming the market. Two-thirds of Russian gas was replaced by Algerian gas, gas arriving by ship and alternative suppliers such as Norway and Azerbaijan (TAP will rise to 9.5 billion cubic meters at the end of the year against 7.5 of 2021).

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Sep 28th, 2022 at 05:23:14 PM EST
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by Cat on Wed Sep 28th, 2022 at 08:32:46 PM EST
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